December 5, 2016

A Penn Perspective: Artist Josh Cochran Debuts a Mural at the Penn Station Shack

A state of the art Shack! Our recently opened Penn Station Shack features a mural by Brooklyn-based illustrator Josh Cochran.

Inspired by the hustle and bustle of the Western Hemisphere's busiest passenger transit hub, the mural depicts the constant movement, quirky exchanges and diverse communities that characterize Penn Station and New York City at large.

Josh Cochran specializes in bright, dense and conceptual drawings. In 2013, he scored a Grammy for Best Limited Edition Packaging for Ben Kweller's "Go Fly A Kite" album, and in 2014 he completed his first children's book, Inside Out: New York.

Check out more of Josh Cochran's work here, and when you have a New York minute, stop by the Penn Station Shack to marvel at his mural!

artist painting a mural at Penn Station

Mural at Penn Station

Mural at Penn Station close up

Mural at Penn Station with person standing in front

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