December 20, 2017

Morningside Masterpiece: NYC Artist Leon Johnson Decks Out the Morningside Heights Shack

Art of the Shack! The Morningside Heights Shack features the artwork of Leon Johnson, an illustrator and fine artist based in NYC. Leon works primarily in mixed media, ink, paint and found objects, and the art displayed at the Morningside Heights Shack was inspired by real Shake Shack guests and the surrounding Morningside Heights community.

“I spent a few hours photographing different guests at the Herald Square Shake Shack and sketching out some ideas for the mural,” Leon shared. “For this piece, I imagined a woman filling her purse with images from Shake Shack and Morningside Heights, shaking them up and spilling them out."

In addition to the Morningside Heights Shack, Leon’s work can be found in renowned Harlem chef Marcus Samuelsson’s Red Rooster and Ginny’s Supper Club restaurants, as well as The Red Rooster Cookbook.

Artist Leon Johnson's array of work on the Morningside Heights Shack wall

Secondary view of Artist Leon Johnson's array of work on the Morningside Heights Shack wall

Close up shot of Artist Leon Johnson's array of work on the Morningside Heights Shack wall

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