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We Stand For Something Good® in everything we do. To further transparency for our team, guests and suppliers, we’re sharing our U.S. Animal Welfare Policy to outline our core beliefs, where we are and where we’re going.
To our guests: we want you to know that what we serve you in our Shacks has been meticulously sourced and cared for, starting with its origin on our suppliers' farms and ranches. We hear you when you ask for nothing but the best for you and your families.
To our suppliers: we want you to know that we deeply value and respect our partnerships and the culture of working together to raise the bar for ourselves and the restaurant industry as a whole.
To our team: we want you to know that you can be proud of the food you’re taking such care to prepare in our kitchens.
“Maintaining the highest standards for animal welfare is our guiding principle,” said Jeffrey Amoscato, Shake Shack Vice President of Supply Chain & Menu Innovation. “You can find me on site visits, personally inspecting the farms and ranches we work with. Our team and our suppliers are committed to achieving ethical and humane practices for the animals in our supply chain.”
We care deeply about the issues that are important to our guests, so we want to hear from you. If we can ever do anything better, let us know. We’re always listening at [email protected] and on Twitter at @shakeshack. Thank you for standing with us!