June 19, 2017

Shake Shack Teams Up with The Trevor Project for LGBTQ Pride

We're loud and proud!

Shake Shack Stands For Something Good® year-round through volunteering and donations and we're continuing our efforts a special way this summer.

In celebration of LGBTQ Pride Month, Shake Shack is donating all proceeds from the Shack Towel ($40/each) to The Trevor Project from now until September 4th.

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. Founded in 1998, The Trevor Project saves young lives through offering the largest safe social networking community for LGBTQ youth, best practice suicide prevention educational trainings, resources for youth and adults and advocacy initiatives.

You can also celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month with rainbow Shack Stickers, available for iOS on the App Store.

We're proud of our diverse Shack family and fans. We believe in creating a warm community gathering place for all, and we stand for the community all day, every day.


Shake Shack Pride Towel


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